Month: February 2018

Saturday February 3rd, 2018

C – Arithmetic Operations

Writing code with C language, we use some arithmetical terms. Thanks to these terms , we can do easily arithmetical operations. In this essay , I will make program , using with the arithmetical terms. Some Arithmetic terms and their meanings ; To increase the count by 1: number++ , ++number , number+=1 To sum the number with another number: number+=5 , number = number […]

Friday February 2nd, 2018

Loops With C Programming Language 1

Today , I will make 2 program, using the loops. You can run the these programs using Dev C++ or Microsoft Visual Studio . If you dont have these programs you should look previous essay. In the first program, Program will get two number from the user and program will compare the numbers which one is bigger. I will make this program using if – […]